Lynchburg Letter: J. William Gayner to W. H. Loyd
July 21, 1926
The letter responds to a previous letter from Mr. Loyd. Text was transcribed by Dennis Bratcher from original letter. A scan of the original letter is below [parts of the scan are distorted or truncated; original is bound in a book].
[Gayner Glass Works Letterhead]
My Dear Mr. Loyd 7-21-26
Yours of 15th received I want to thank you for selling the machines
I would not sell the Jar machine & feeder until all hope had vanish [sic] of ever using it
As this is a good talking point in interesting some one to start it up
A plant equiped [sic] to manufacture mason standard fruit jars & insulators with a home market for both products
If we had started off with jars & insulators the story would have been different
This plant can be made a great success
[p. 2] with these lines if equipped
The jar machinery is up to date the Gayner automatic insulator [press] wants to have improvement that I was trying to have Oneill put on
These improvements would do away with the labor of filing in the packing house and
get better production
The Hayes crowd looks to me like a stock promotion with an untried patent
The only hope is some times these promoters interest capital - when the capital see's that the patent is going to fail out they start to manufacture some reliable article's by so doing they become an establish glass company
Lets hope this will be so at Lynchburg
Yours very truly
[signed] J William Gayner